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Please feel free to contact us at H.O.P.E. through Dr. Kenneth Hamilton using the form below for your questions or comments. The form is sent directly to Dr. Hamilton at H.O.P.E. If you would wish to have a heart–centered talk with him, please use the form to make the necessary arrangements.

Please do not call the number given in the list of active H.O.P.E. Groups… unless you are known to me. A number alone will be blocked and deleted. Once I have your name, I record it, which the cell phone will show me instead of the number from which you are calling… so I answer it. Do you see what I am saying? Thank you.

We all promise you that we will do our best to help you get on with your life… not so much by giving advice as by sharing a wide range of experience while we listen to you find the answers in your heart and how you plan to use them. We will keep no record of it here in H.O.P.E.

Please use the “Donate” box below for any payment you would like to make. All payment for this service is accepted according to the principle of “value given for value received,” which we agree to “tithe” to H.O.P.E. We are all grateful for your kindness.

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